For strollers who like to stroll and manage less long tours, the Westerwald also has low-barrier walking paths and strolling trails. The "Kleine Wäller" are suitable for those for whom the focus is on relaxing walking without special preparation and equipment, but also for occasional hikers who fancy short tours.
In our hiking tour planner we inform you under the tab "Current info" about temporary route changes on the respective stages.
To the hiking tour planner
Discovering the “Kleinen Wäller”
Kleiner Wäller "Häubchen-Tour" - Spazierwanderweg
Kleiner Wäller "Wied-Runde" - Spazierweg
Kleiner Wäller MalbergSeeBlick
Kleiner Wäller "Zwergenweg 2" - Spazierweg
Kleiner Wäller "Löwenspur 1 orange"-Hachenburg - Spazierwanderweg
Kleiner Wäller "Löwenspur 2 rot" - Hachenburg - Spazierwanderweg
Kleiner Wäller "Löwenspur 3 blau" - Hachenburg - Spazierwanderweg
Kleiner Wäller "Basalt + Wasser" - Greifenstein - Spazierwanderweg
The walking trails are short tours for everyone. They often pass through cosy villages and beautiful nature and invite you to enjoy and take a deep breath. The walking trails are somewhat longer. You move around more and are on the move for between one and three hours. They are also very good preparation for more demanding hiking routes, such as the WesterwaldSteig or the Wäller tours.