Brief description

Exhibits such as furniture, agricultural, handicraft and mining equipment, mineral finds from the surrounding area as well as a shoemaker's workshop and a wainwright's workshop

Detailed description

The "Alte Schule" (old school) in the Herborn district of Seelbach was built in 1602 as a community centre. Due to dendrochronological examinations, the year could be determined so precisely. The building was used as a school and fire station as well as for the purposes of political community work. In 1985, the town decided to restore the "Old School" through the village renewal programme of the state of Hesse. The renovation took three years, and the result is really something to be proud of. During this time, a very active local history association was founded, which, with great support and many loans from the people of Seelbach, has set up a lively local history museum here. The aim was to show the people of Seelbach and the Bsuchers what life was like in earlier times. Spread over three floors are interesting exhibits of rural life that were common in part-time farming until the 1950s. Since mining was once vital for the Herborn district and there were many miners here, a carefully equipped mining corner is naturally not to be missed. This area is rounded off by an extensive collection of minerals. In the attic there is an original cobbler's and wheelwright's workshop from the estate of Seelbach craftsmen. Following the departure of the Bundeswehr, which was stationed here for almost 30 years, an exhibition tells about this time. In the display cases, you can marvel at border and protocol books, church letters, Bibles and song books from the old days. Of course, a living museum also includes historical pictures of Seelbach and of village life in the past.

Translated with DeepL (

Text: Stadtmarketing Herborn

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