Indoor swimming pool Haiger

Brief description

25 m pool, diving board and 3 m diving tower

Price information

Children/young people (up to the age of 18): Single ticket €1.50, ticket for ten €10

Adults: single ticket 3,50€, ticket for ten € 25

Seniors/retirees/disabled: single ticket 3,50€, ticket for ten 20€

Admission prices valid from 01.04.2016

Detailed description

Haiger's indoor swimming pool in Schlesische Straße has a long success story. It was one of the first indoor pools in Hesse about 50 years ago and has been open continuously ever since - with short closures for renovations.

Currently, about 40,000 people a year visit the facility, which has a 25-m pool, a diving board and a 3-m diving tower. This creates the conditions for practising for swimming badges and training for competitions. Since the water temperature is constantly above 30°C, both small children and senior citizens feel very comfortable in the pool. The pool is also ideal for school swimming. School classes can use the entire pool. Senior citizens appreciate the personal atmosphere, the short distances in the pool and the easy accessibility. Clubs like the DLRG like to train in our pool because they can reserve the entire pool. The city of Haiger also offers baby and children's swimming courses.

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Text: Stadt Haiger

Contact and directions

Schlesische Straße 5
35708 Haiger