Wildweiberhäuschen Langenaubach

Detailed description

The Wildweiberhäuschen is one of the oldest nature reserves in Hessen (since 1927) and is particularly striking because of its namesake limestone rock, which juts 30 metres out of the Aubach valley. In the past, numerous bone remains were found in its glacial loess layers, indicating a historical fauna with cave bears, reindeer as well as moorhens and rock ptarmigans. Investigations also pointed to the cultural-historical significance of the rock: there is evidence of human settlement from the Palaeolithic to the Middle Ages. Today, the cultural site is a growing place of partly rare mosses, lichens and ferns. In addition, strictly protected bat species live in the old gallery under the limestone rock. However, the rest of the nature reserve, along the stream valley, is also a habitat for a thriving animal and plant kingdom. Botanical rarities such as the blue monkshood and the troll flower, as well as various species of butterflies, can be discovered by nature lovers.

Translated with DeepL (www.deepl.com).

Text: Stadt Haiger

Brief description

Imposing rock over 360 million years old.

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