An outdoor area for all ages with a water treading pool, barefoot path and six pieces of exercise equipment.
Water treatments for arms and legs are possible in the "Kneipp water treading pool" on the hiking and cycling path towards Niederscheld. The refreshingly cool water comes from the Anna gallery, the deepest iron ore gallery in Eibach. Directly next to the water treading pool and barefoot path, new outdoor training equipment (usable all year round) has been added to a newly created area. This addition creates an excellent and in the region unique concept of a health facility for all age groups. In addition, active guests have access to the Kuckucksweg (premium hiking trail of the Lahn-Dill-Bergland) as well as the Gesundheitsweg (health trail), which connects the Kleingradierwerk with the pedal pool.
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Contact and directions
Grüns Weg
35689 Dillenburg-Eibach