Old Rectory Dillenburg

Brief description

In the years 1531 - 1533, the "Old Rectory" was built for the first Protestant pastor.

Detailed description

The old rectory was built next to the town church between 1531 and 1533 for the first Evangelical priest, Heilmann Bruchhausen from Krombach. Its construction was commissioned by Count William the Rich, who led the reformation in the Nassau-Dillenburg areas from 1530 and was father of William I. of Orange.

It is also thought that Johann Bernhard Gottsleben, pastor at the town church from 1634 – 1635, lived in this house. In the first plague years (1635/36), his wife and all of his children died within just three weeks before he himself fell victim to the disease in November 1635.

Contact and directions

Kirchberg 16
35683 Dillenburg