
Mon-Stiletto "Krone und Dino"

Brief description

The so-called "Mon-Stilettos" accompany the visitors on their way from the Fashion Outlet Montabaur to the city centre and have meanwhile become a popular photo motif in the city. Translated with

Detailed description

A golden crown and a grim-looking dino are the most conspicuous figurative marks of this Mon style: "Zur goldenen Krone" is the historical name of the old-established Hotel Schlemmer; the dino is the mascot of the bar "Kap Five". Both symbols refer to their creators.

Design: Natalie Mays, Marcel Lehmann; artist: Morit "Radik" Winkler; sponsor: Hotel Schlemmer and KAP Five

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Contact and directions

Verkehrskreisel Bahnhofstraße
56410 Montabaur