Trails around the Knoten:
- Trail Elz, approx. 7 km - Entry at the Elzer Hütte (access via K47 or K86) or near Wetzlarer Hütte, Mengerskirchen
- Trail Wällerdenkmal, approx. 4 km - Entry near Wetzlarer Hütte, Mengerskirchen
Starting from Rennerod (entrance and parking at the school center, Kohlaustraße):
- big, red round: Rennerod school - Krombachtalsperre, about 20 km - passes the Elzer Hütte and provides access to the trail Elz
A trail map (for Rennerod) can be found here.
Further information and current conditions: Snow Telephone 02664 99 39 093 and also on the homepage of the Touristinfo Hoher Westerwald.
Trails around the Knoten:
- Trail Elz, approx. 7 km - Entry at the Elzer Hütte (access via K47 or K86) or near Wetzlarer Hütte, Mengerskirchen
- Trail Wällerdenkmal, approx. 4 km - Entry near Wetzlarer Hütte, Mengerskirchen
Starting from Rennerod (entrance and parking at the school center, Kohlaustraße):
- big, red round: Rennerod school - Krombachtalsperre, about 20 km - passes the Elzer Hütte and provides access to the trail Elz
A trail map (for Rennerod) can be found here.
Further information and current conditions: Snow Telephone 02664 99 39 093 and also on the homepage of the Touristinfo Hoher Westerwald.
Contact and directions
Postfach 143
65600 Elz