
Kreuzkapelle auf dem Schnabelberg in Friesenhagen

Detailed description

Anna Elisabeth Countess von Hatzfeldt had a chapel built in honor of the Holy Cross at the height of the Schnabelberg, near the Crottorf Castle. An inscription above the portal indicates the founder and the year of construction: “fieri curavit 1701”. The octagonal building with the baroque hood and lantern over the profiled cornice is one of the replicas of the Ascension Chapel in Jerusalem. The center of the interior shows a baroque high altar with a relief depicting the crucifixion of Christ. In the summer of 1895 a mausoleum was added to the chapel as a princely crypt. Four members of the Hatzfeldt family found their final resting place here.

Brief description

The Kreuzkirche from 1701 is located in the middle of the Schnabelberg not far from Krottorf and has a mausoleum with a princely tomb of Femilie Hatzfeldt as an extension. The almost 8 km long Hexenweg, an adventure trail in the natural region of Sieg im Druiden.Hexen.SiegerLand run by the Kirchen (Sieg) community, runs just a few meters from the Kreuzkirche.

Contact and directions

Auf dem Schnabelberg
51598 Friesenhagen-Steeg