
Klosterruine Seligenstatt

Brief description

The monastery ruins are located about 200 meters outside Seck on the K 51 towards Hellenhahn. The visible outer walls have a length of 36 by 72 meters and are still about six meters high in the western part.

Detailed description

The monastery ruins are located about 200 meters outside Seck on the K 51 towards Hellenhahn. The visible outer walls have a length of 36 by 72 meters and are still about six meters high in the western part. The founding year of the monastery is unknown. In 1215 it was a daughter-monastery of the abbey of Maria Laach. In 1423 the nunnery was mentioned for the last time in the monastery of Seligenstatt. The bells of the monastery came to Westerburg and Gemünden in 1591. The monastery yard still existed until 1785, then the buildings were demolished.
An information-house gives an insight into the history and information about the monastery ruins.

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