

Kirmes in Waldbreitbach

Every year, the bachelor club "Gemütlichkeit" Waldbreitbach organizes the fair in Waldbreitbach, which is known far beyond the borders of the district. It is so well known because the fireworks display "Wied in Flammen" has been attracting thousands of visitors to the heart of the Wiedtal for several decades. The fair is planned and organized by the bachelor club on its own. Many volunteers from all over the village support the bachelors on this traditional weekend. Further information to the meeting finds you under www.wiedinflammen.com and on facebook.com/wiedinflammen. The bachelor club "Gemütlichkeit" Waldbreitbach is looking forward to your visit.

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To the event

Brief description

Every year, the bachelor club "Gemütlichkeit" Waldbreitbach organizes the fair in Waldbreitbach, which is known far beyond the borders of the district. It is so well known because the fireworks display "Wied in Flammen" has been attracting thousands of visitors to the heart of the Wiedtal for several decades. The fair is planned and organized by the bachelor club on its own. Many volunteers from all over the village support the bachelors on this traditional weekend. Further information to the meeting finds you under www.wiedinflammen.com and on facebook.com/wiedinflammen. The bachelor club "Gemütlichkeit" Waldbreitbach is looking forward to your visit.

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TREE-HOLTING 15.08.2024 I 8.00 p.m. PARKING SPACE "ALTES KREUZ" WALDBREITBACH On the Thursday of the fair, the traditional tree-holting awaits you, when the bachelors ceremoniously enter the village with torches, music and the fair tree and open the fair. TREE SETTING UP 16.08.2024 I 17.00 RATHAUS WALDBREITBACH Setting up the tree on Kirmes Friday can take a while... Because the bachelors have to put up the approximately 20-metre-long spruce with their own muscle power. PARTY 16.08.2024 I 20.00 H FALC REAL ESTATE MARQUEE WIED IN FLAMES 2024 17.08.2024 I 16.30 WIEDUFER WALDBREITBACH The highlight of the Waldbreitbach funfair is and remains "Wied in Flammen". With the new hybrid show of fireworks, laser and music, the bachelors offer everything to create a unique evening. From 19.00, things really get going on the raft! With Pop nach 8 and the Wied as a backdrop, the time until the fireworks will fly by. EARLY PINT 18.08.2024 I 11.00 A.M. &. 19.08.2024 I 11.00 a.m. FALC-IMMOBILIEN-FESTZELT Our Kirmes would be nothing without one, or even two, sensible Frühschoppen! Concert on Kirmes Monday IN WALDBREITBACH 19.08.2024 I 19.30 UHR in the FALC-IMMOBILIEN-FESTZELT You can find more information about the event at www.wiedinflammen.com and on facebook.com/wiedinflammen. The bachelor club "Gemütlichkeit" Waldbreitbach is looking forward to your visit.

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