

Brief description

The Grenzbach valley is a small stream valley which was cleared of spruce many years ago and is grazed by Heck cattle (an offspring of the aurochs). In the meantime, a great nature refuge has developed here, which can be wonderfully explored by bike or on foot.

Price information

The Grenzbach Valley can be reached at any time by bike or on foot. Hiking trails lead partly through the middle of the pastures. Self-closing gates prevent the grazing animals from leaving their meadows.

Detailed description

The Grenzbach, originally called "Waldbach", forms the border between the districts of Altenkirchen and Neuwied.
Some years ago, extensive renaturation measures were carried out here. Large-scale spruce clearings (13 ha) were carried out to restore light and natural vegetation. New animal-friendly stream crossings were created, stream piping and small weirs were dismantled and new bridges created. Galloway and Heck cattle graze the areas all year round and keep them free of reforestation. The section between Willroth and Linkenbach is grazed by Galloways. A further section between the Pleckhausermühle mill and the Wied near Döttesfeld is grazed with a back-breeding of aurochs, the so-called Heck cattle.
Valuable ecological structures and wet areas have now been formed and offer a valuable refuge for fauna and flora.

Hiking, cycling, Nordic walking, climbing, all this is possible here. The quality hiking trail "Westerwald-Steig" also runs along here and even leads the hiker here and there directly through the pastures. A bit of "alpine pasture feeling" comes up, but you don't need to be afraid of the rather shy animals here.

Contact and directions