


The Flora and Fauna Group and the Burglahr Bat Aid invite parents and children to the children's herb garden. The guide is Ingrid Runkel Meeting point is at 19:30 in the children's herb garden in the village meadow in Rengsdorf Registration required. The event is canceled in case of rain. Cost contribution: €5.00 for bat protection

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The Flora and Fauna Group and the Burglahr Bat Aid invite parents and children to the children's herb garden. The guide is Ingrid Runkel Meeting point is at 19:30 in the children's herb garden in the village meadow in Rengsdorf Registration required. The event is canceled in case of rain. Cost contribution: €5.00 for bat protection

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Brief description

The Flora and Fauna Group and the Burglahr Bat Aid invite parents and children to the children's herb garden. The guide is Ingrid Runkel Meeting point is at 19:30 in the children's herb garden in the village meadow in Rengsdorf Registration required. The event is canceled in case of rain. Cost contribution: €5.00 for bat protection

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Contact and directions