Brief description

The Stadtjugendpflege with its Jugendhaus is the central contact point for young people and offers various youth clubs.

Hint / Advice


Youth room Donsbach, in the "old school", Rutschstraße, Donsbach

- Tuesdays 17:00-20:00

- Wednesdays 17:00-20:00

Youth room Frohnhausen, in the old town hall, Hauptstraße 65, Frohnhausen

- Mondays 17:00-20:00

- Wednesdays 17:00-20:00

Youth room Oberscheld, of JAKOb e.V., Schelde-Lahn-Straße 11, Oberscheld

- Mondays 17:30-20:30

- Thursdays 17:30-20:30

Detailed description

The Stadtjugendpflege Dillenburg is the central contact point for young people with its Jugendhaus in Maibachstraße and offers various youth centres in the city districts. The services offered by the youth centre range from open meetings to group activities and counselling. Furthermore, the Stadtjugendpflege also organises the annual holiday pass campaign with more than 30 events in which more than 250 pupils participate every year.

Other offers

- Counselling: Appointment by arrangement

- Youth office: PCs for applications, reports, homework, presentations etc.

- Girls' group

- Graffiti: on the legal wall by appointment and arrangement

Translation with Deepl (

Contact and directions

Maibachstraße 14
35683 Dillenburg