
Der Schlondes

Brief description

The Letschert family has been potters in Baumbach since 1600. Their specialty includes brown salt firing for utilitarian stoneware, which used to be fired in open fires. This also explains the unusual name: The entrance of the pot kiln is called "Schlondes", which means maw.

Detailed description

Today, this place is still part of the private museum dedicated to the history of ceramics. Beginning with early stoneware from the 13th/14th century, a cross-section through time is presented there - up to the still active production of ceramics in the neighboring factory. A second mainstay since 1978 is a furniture carpentry and the sale of antiques and teak furniture, which are presented in an exhibition area of over 2,000 square meters - together with the art objects of SUSANNE BOERNER. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Current opening hours can be found here.

Contact and directions

Bergstraße 20
56235 Ransbach-Baumbach