Center of the community nowadays is still the old church. This protestantic Parish church in Hilgenroth, whose single-nave Longhouse (1433) originally was built as a Grace Chapel for a Mother of God image (pilgrimage), has an older, Romanesque west tower with acoustic arcades. The building substance of the tower goes back to the Romanesque period. The Gothic choir consists of large pointed arched windows and seperate buttresses. Inside, the church measures
24.20 m in length and 8.40 m in width. The 15 m long, flat-roofed nave is clearly separated of the vaulted 5/8 choir. Behind the spacious wide, slightly pointed choir arch, between community and choir, petite, grooved ribs rise above eight wall consoles up to half height of the windows, where they split and intertwine in the vaults into an artistic ribbed net.
An original Chapel of Grace,Chapel of Mary,Pilgrimage site.
Contact and directions
57612 Hilgenroth