Adolf stamp Haiger

Detailed description

In memory of Adolf of Nassau (* 24 July 1817; † 17 November 1905), the "Sauerländische Gebirgsverein Haiger" erected the cast-iron pavilion in 1902. Adolf von Nassau ruled the Duchy of Nassau from 1839 to 1866 and was Grand Duke of Luxembourg from 1890. He was the last Nassau regent responsible for the local region. During the first restoration in 1980, the temple was covered with wood and converted into a refuge. Since then, the Westerwaldverein Haiger has taken care of the structure. In 2019/2020, pupils from the Schule am Budenberg restored the pavilion for the second time.

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Text: Stadt Haiger

Brief description

Formerly a cast-iron pavilion commemorating Adolf von Nassau, today a shelter clad in wood.

Contact and directions

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