"Pension Schöller" - a comedy by Peter Futterschneider based on the classic by Wilhelm Jakoby and Carl Laufs - a masterpiece of idiocy! Alfred devotes himself only marginally to his study of psychology, because he prefers to put his energy into building up his career as YouTuber. Elfie Schöller's shared flat, where Alfred lives, is also the backdrop for his YouTube channel. Thanks to the generous support of his godfather Phillip Klapproth, this way of life is not a problem. Until that day when a letter announces the visit of his godfather. In order to prevent the threatening dwindling of his source of money, Alfred gets more and more involved in his swindling. The chaos takes its course ...
"Pension Schöller" - a masterpiece of idiocy! Duration: approx. 2 hours
SAFE YOUR CARDS NOW - now available at our reception!
Admission: adults: 10,00 Euro / children: 5,00 Euro
Our tip: reserve a table in advance in our "Westerwälder Stube" and enjoy the good cuisine....
Hotel Park "Der Westerwald Treff", In der Huth 1, 57641 Oberlahr, Germany
Telephone (02685) 87-0 - Fax (02685) 87-268
Email: www.westerwaldtreff.de - Internet: info@westerwaldtreff.de
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Contact and directions
In der Huth 1
57641 Oberlahr